Main performance indicators of GLOBAL-FINANCE LLC (40691225) for the 9 mounth of 2021
Assets | 223842 |
Equity | 66074 |
Obligation | 157768 |
Net income from sales of products | 19699 |
Other operating income | 5064 |
Income from equity participation | 0 |
Other financial income | 416 |
Other income | 9150 |
Salary expenses | 866 |
Financial result before tax (profit) | 10327 |
Financial result before tax (loss) | 0 |
Income tax expenses | 0 |
Net financial result (profit) | 10327 |
Net financial result (loss) | 0 |
News and event
3/14/2018 12:00:00 AM
ОФУ рекомендує усім управителям ФФБ перевірити, чи відповідає кредитний рейтинг банку, в якому зберігаються кошти оперативного резерву.....